Pornthip Chaichompoo, Ph.D

Associate Professor


Tel: +66 02 201 5577, 5574

Research Topics & Interests


            Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that defects to globin synthesis and leads to abnormal hemoglobin production in red blood cells. Patients had anemia and other complications such as iron overload, cellular oxidative stress, heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, thrombosis and abnormal immunity. Although thalassemia was first discovered since 1925 by Prof. Cooley, the mechanisms of pathophysiology in thalassemic patients is still unclear that affects to prevention and cure. Researcher and team are investigating the mechanisms of pathophysiology in thalassemia, the effects of treatment on disease progressive and also biomarkers for disease severity and complications in thalassemia.


POSITION TITLE : Associate Professor (Pathology)
                                LICENSURE INCLUDES: Medical Laboratory Scientists License, Thailand, 2004 (ท.น.6761)



1. Mechanism of hematopoietic cells and their extracellular vesicles on coagulation and inflammation in thalassemia.
2. Infection and immune cell function in thalassemia.
3. Effect of oxidative stress and iron status on anatomical pathology of thalassemic blood cells.
4. Biomarkers for disease severity and complications in thalassemia.
5. Discovery for novel hemoglobin F inducers from Thai medicinal plants, synthetic compounds and their analogs for b-thalassemia therapy.

Publication / Presentation


























Research Grants