Amornrat Naranuntarat Jensen, Ph.D.

Deputy Head of Department, Associate Professor


Tel: +66 02 201 5579, 5553


Work Experience

Publication / Presentation






Molecules / 29 March 2019










EMBO Journal / 19 April 2006

Book Chapters

  • Jensen, A. N. and Jensen, L. T. (2015) Manganese transport, trafficking and function in invertebrates. Manganese in Health
    and Disease. pp. 1-27, eds. Aschner, M. and Costa, L. G., Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Oral Presentations

  • 9th International Congress on Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome, Texas, USA (2018)
    Decreased accumulation of superoxide dismutase 2 within mitochondria in the yeast model of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome


  • 8th International Congress on Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome, Verona, Italy (2016) Deletion of mitochondrial porin
    alleviates stress sensitivity in the yeast model of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome


  • Mahidol University, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand (2015) Yeast as a model for
    studying human genetic disease and drug development


  • Chulalongkorn University, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Bangkok, Thailand (2011)
    Yeast as a model for studying human genetic disease: the case of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome


  • Gordon Graduate Research Seminar on Bioinorganic Chemistry: Ventura California, U.S.A (2008) Effect of differential
    metal bioavailability on activity of superoxide dismutase enzymes


  • Johns Hopkins University Yeast Genetics Meeting, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A. (2008) Effect of mitochondrial iron on manganese
    superoxide dismutase


  • Mahidol University, Department of Pathobiology, Bangkok, Thailand (2007) Mitochondrial iron overload and activity of
    superoxide dismutase enzymes

Poster Presentations

  • TRF research annual meeting (2014), Chonburi, Thailand Improper protein trafficking contributes to artemisinin sensitivity in cells lacking the lysine deacetylase Rpd3p


  • FASEB Summer Research Conference: Trace Element Metabolism (2008), Snowmass, CO, U.S.A The role of the Fe-S cluster scaffold Isu in iron inactivation of Sod2p.


  • Gordon Research Conference: Cell Biology of Metals (2007), Newport, Rhode Island, U.S.A Effect of differential metal bioavailability on activity of superoxide dismutase enzymes.


  • Third International Friedreich’s Ataxia Scientific Conference (2006), Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A Inactivation of manganese superoxide dismutase by mitochondrial iron: a new aspect of iron toxicity.


  • FASEB Summer Research Conference: Trace Element Metabolism (2006), Snowmass, CO, U.S.A Inactivation of manganese superoxide dismutase by mitochondrial iron: a new aspect of iron toxicity.

Research Grants